about Sunflower

Sunflower simply try to make beautiful music. We aim to provide listening pleasure to as many people as possible, regardless
their political, religious etc. preference.

ince October 1999, Ed ten Hoedt (Gothic harp) and Margôt Limburg (guitar) play together as Sunflower. The music they bring is a combination of
traditional Celtic tunes, more recent, mainly Irish songs and original pieces. All their material is played instrumentally, i.e. without vocals.
The relaxing atmosphere that Sunflower radiates attracts a lot of people. Besides dinners, the launch of art-exhibitions and the likes,
Eddie and Margôt regularly perform at different kinds of events.

Sunflower released three cd's so far; 'New Life' (1999), 'Gentle' (2002) and Clear' (2006)

a close-up of our faces

Prior to Sunflower, Eddie has been a bass- and guitarplayer in several line-ups, varying from rock- and bluesbands to Irish folkgroups. In 1993 he started playing
with Harris Moore from Northern Lights as a guitarplayer. Around this time, purely by coincidence, Eddie was offered his first Gothic harp. As Symbiosis
he performed for the first time as a harper, playing with his friend Ben on guitar.
The first cd, Initials, was released in 1996. They played all over Europe, mainly as streetmusicians, but soon they were asked to perform at various occasions.
In January 1998, the cd Essence was released.

Gouda 2003 As Ed started working with his girlfriend Margôt, the present formula was born. The cd New Life was the official start of Sunflower.
More original pieces and a better concept are the most noticeable characteristics. In the beginning of 2000 Sunflower played in Australia
for two months. In more than one way, this was a fruitful period.

When their son Max was born, Eddie temporarely performed with old time friend Alan McLachlan. Alan, is the only guestmusician
who played on each cd so far. He also produced the cd Essence. Regularly, he sits in for Margôt.

In 2002 we released Gentle. A logical sequence to 'New Life', featuring a few remarkable guestmusicians, amongst which Pien Tieman
on concertharp and Agnes van der Neut on flute (who was due any moment during the recordings!).

In May 2005 our second son Koen (a Dutch name, pronounced 'Koon') was born. You can see more of him in our photogalery.

On our last cd, called Clear, that was released in May 2006, we have recorded no extra instruments, as some people requested since a long time.
It was 'back to the basics' this time; just harp and acoustic guitar! On 3 out of the 17 melodies on this cd, Alan plays that guitar.
On the cd you'll find (amongst others) 'Granddaddy's humming', written for us by Gentle-fiddle player Berry Idema. Furthermore, there are eight original compositions
from Ed and a Japanese piece called Furusato. Anne Idsinga has made the wonderful artwork for 'Clear'.

In the meantime, Eddie has started another duo with harpplayer Marieke Lesparre. Parenthood and musicianship are sometimes difficult to combine,
which was the original reason for this. Parsley released their first cd in 2008.

Being parents has put our musical activities on a lower level for a few years. But lately, with the kids growing up, we found more room to increase our
focus on music once more. Margot has started several musical projects. In 2012 she recorded a wonderful cd with Sophie ter Schure as The Lasses and after a short tour to the US they released a second album called Daughters.
Again inspired by the Celtic tradition, the Lases bring a lot of Scottish, Irish and English songs. You can hear them on bandcamp and several other sites.

Eddie has picked up going busking on his own in 2013 and started learning new tunes on the Gothic harp. He also still performs with Alan Mclaughlan.
In 2011 he shortly played with guitarplayer/singer Peter Lavell. Peter has his own project, playing mellow blues from the 20’s and 30’s of last century.
When Peter and Eddie performed together they often played alternating sets of Sunflower and Peter Lavell’s music. In the latter part, Eddie accompagnies Peter
on guitar- and even backing vocals.

In 2014 Eddie recorded some new tunes along with Sue Ferrers on nickelharpa. The recordings haven't been released yet.

Right now, Margôt performs worldwide in a guitar/vocals duo with an Irish, Scottish, Ameriavcan and-more- repertoire called The Lasses. Her musical style hasn't changed a lot, but now the focus is on (wonbderful) vocals.

2015 saw the beginning of Allen Wrench and the Nuts, a bluesy trio with Dominik Sprenger on guitar and vocals, Mozes on drums and Eddie on bass. The bassguitar and also this style of music was the beginning of Eddie's musical journey. Dominik also joines Eddie on guitar when performing as Sunflower and together they played several gigs. Unfortunately, in 2022 Dominik left this world.

Download free mp3-samples from our recordings to hear our music.

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